When you think of the word “divorce,” it’s very hard to be happy. The decision to go separate ways after being married – whether for a month, a year or 25 years – is stressful, emotional and it’s not uncommon to be very confused and angry. The idea of a “friendly divorce” may seem as unlikely as running into Big Foot in your neighborhood.
While we would all like them to go as smoothly as your standard bank or grocery-store transaction, hurt feelings, a sense of entitlement and a certain level of greed tend to make divorces pretty ugly. This is even more true if the decision to split up is not mutual. With assets and children involved, the divorce process is rarely easy. However, believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be a blood bath.
With the right legal representation, you can be assured that your interests are protected. Your divorce lawyer will work with the other side to fairly negotiate the various aspects of the divorce agreement, including child custody and support, alimony, equitable distribution of assets and more. It is possible to get through the process relatively unscathed.
If you think that you’ve captured lightning in a bottle and are on track for a “friendly divorce” from your spouse, remember that things can change at the drop of a hat and the swipe of a pen. If there is one thing that’s certain in divorce proceedings, emotions run high and it’s very difficult to navigate the system without a lawyer.
One minute it may be: “I don’t want anything, I just want a clean break” and the next it can be “You were hiding money where?!” As divorce has become more and more common over the years, the default first step has been meeting with the best family law attorney available to make sure you’re protected, and for good reason. An inequitable divorce agreement has led many to complete and total destitution. Don’t let this happen to you. Once you decide to take this step, protect yourself by making decisions that will help you move on as quickly as possible to the next stage in life.
If you or your spouse are filing for divorce, let the attorneys at Graziano and Flynn help you. We’ve helped countless couples through the process and we will be by your side – whether you opt for a calm collaborative law process or things get more emotional and difficult. We’ll protect your rights every step of the way.