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Watching Pornography Can Increase the Likelihood of Divorce

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A recent sociological study found that pornography can have a negative impact on marriages. According to researchers who presented a paper at the American Sociological Association last month, married people who watch pornography are far more likely to get divorced than married people who do not watch porn.

The researchers who conducted the in-depth study of pornography and marriage looked at data from the General Social Survey, which collects information and monitors major societal change for historical recordkeeping purposes. The General Social Survey keeps track of things like marital happiness and marital status, as well as porn-watching habits.

The data indicated that approximately 11 percent of people who started watching porn after being married ended up getting divorced within a short period of time.

Lest anyone think that the potentially adverse effects of watching pornography are limited to men, researchers were surprised to learn that married women who begin watching pornography are actually three times as likely to get divorced in the years that follow as married women who shy away from explicit sexual movies.

Interestingly, the study results indicate that married couples who watch pornography together are not as negatively affected when it comes to staying together and avoiding divorce.

It is important to note that although the recent study was presented before the American Sociological Association, a major academic organization, it has not yet been peer reviewed. As such, the study’s findings remain tentative and unproven. Additionally, it must be noted that the study does not conclusively show that happy marriages are likely to be destroyed when one spouse watches pornography. For instance, it’s possible that many, if not most, of the couples who ended up getting divorced were already unhappy long before they started to consume pornography.

For further information, check out the article, “People More Likely to Divorce after They Start Watching Porn, Says Study.

If you are thinking about filing for divorce, or if you have already filed for divorce, it is crucial that you talk to a qualified family law and divorce lawyer in New Jersey immediately. The skilled family law and divorce attorneys at Graziano & Flynn, P.C. have decades of combined experience helping people get through the divorce process in New Jersey. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation.

Contact Our New Jersey Divorce Lawyers

For more information about how the Camden County attorneys of Graziano & Flynn, P.C., can help you achieve your family law goals, please call 856-351-5254 or toll free 877-788-1293. You can also contact us online.

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